Friday, September 25, 2009

Daily Blessing No 3: Yellow Cab and Banana

It's a yellow day!
Since it's a yello day, I just remember and this I have to acknowledge who inspired me to do this section in my blog -- that's KYM of the Yello Days Blog. She blogs her daily life and its "yellowness". ^^ That gave me an idea, I thought I should be blogging on a daily basis on simple things. And since my blog is dedicated to Our Father, I come up with this Daily Blessing. The Label speaks for itself.

Today, during lunch, I had a free banana. Yehey!!!!! Thank you Lord! Free things are from God. I dont need to pay it. Life itself is free.. I don't need to pay for my life. A humble banana may seem unworthy and be taken for granted but it has a lot of potassium, good for the health. I just feel God is helping me to be healthy. Praise the Lord!

(This picture is from google. I did not carry my cam today.)

Second, this isn't so healthy but everybody at the office were craving for this since like last week. At last ! The good Lord granted our prayers. ^^ Thank you Lord!
Two Korean Managers decided to buy us pizza.. wow! It's free again!
We were so happy!!!!

(This picture is take from Flicker. I did not mind the stream owner. But I would like to stress that I am not owning this.)

I feel guilty for blogging only one or two things as my daily blessings. God gives so much and provides well.According Bo Sanchez, God is not a God of Scarcity but of Abundance." Yes!!! Yes!! Yes!!! Perhaps, if I blog all, I wont be able to finish. So, I just choose one or two based on what I want to blog and based on what means a lot to me on a certain day.

Thank you so much Lord!

May you always be thankful of all the free things you receive no matter how small!
Celebarte your free life!

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